Billie Brown

Unique Value Proposition

Why should I work in social services?

I am capable of improving people’s lives by supporting them, providing them with the proper resources and by giving them companionship.

Through my work-related experience and volunteering in various different charities, I have learned an immaculate amount of knowledge regarding human behaviour. I am a sister, a daughter, a counsellor, a teacher and a friend to numerous amounts of people. Throughout my lifetime, I have had the opportunity to watch others grow as well as act as a safety net for those who need it. I have brought many people into therapy when they have shown signs of mental illness, I have helped my friends branch out and find their passions and lastly, I am proud to say that through everything, I was able to show an unconditional amount of support to those who needed it.


I will provide my service and continue to impact lives simply because it is my passion.






Because it is my purpose.